About Me

ready made sales funnel
Me on a trip to Sri Lanka for The Good Karma Hospital

Hi my name’s Tim Halloran and in 2014 I discovered a ready made sales funnel which changed everything for me! Previously I had tried all kinds of online strategies to earn some extra money. Little did I know that having a good sales funnel with a range of products within it would make such a dramatic difference.

It wasn’t just the funnel! Also finding a good mentor and community allowed me to learn how to market my funnel effectively too!

Before I started taking affiliate marketing seriously, I worked as a stuntman for film and television and taught Wing Chun Kung Fu in Leeds. I wanted something I could pick up and drop around the TV work. It needed to be more flexible than a 9 to 5 job as I would get a call last minute and have to drop everything.

I eventually found that affiliate marketing ticked all the boxes in terms of flexibility. It’s a business model which lets you build up an income around existing work, choose your hours and earn as you learn.

Over time though I saw the real potential of affiliate marketing and focused more on making it work for me. I found a company called The Six Figure Mentors and joined their community. It was different to the many courses I had previously purchased and I even went to meet ups in the UK.

Me (on the left) with co-founder of The SFM Jay Kubassek

It took some time before I really understood how my ready made sales funnel worked! Initially, I was also full of scepticism which didn’t help me make good decisions. I was always holding myself back.

I focused for a long time on content marketing and this was a habit which was hard to overcome. It was mainly down to the fact that I didn’t have a solid income from my work; since work was always so sporadic.

In my 20’s I had met a stuntman and I thought it was the best career ever! It wasn’t until my late 30’s that I decided I needed to make some serious changes. I felt like my life was on hold waiting for work all the time, and my life situation was pretty miserable. I was fed up of having no money all the time!

ready made sales funnel
Me Doubling Jack Whitehall on Bad Education